
Friday 12 August 2011

Kang Fu Kungfu

Kang Fu is the fourth evolution of Hotfoot. He's quite a master at Kungfu, and you should place him in your team. Always eager for a fight, Kang Fu sometimes tries to talk his foes out of the battle. A bit 'cute', train Kang Fu well and get a powerful result! This Fire Miscrit has mastered the secret to calmness, unlike when he was a young, rash Hotfoot. Kang Fu knows Kungfu, hence the name.

For more Miscrits updates, do check out my blog daily!

Acknowledgements: Miscrits: World of Adventure

Thursday 11 August 2011

Squishy as Squibee?

Squibee lives around the Eastern side of the Azore's Lake, as my friend told me. Squibee looks like... wait for it... a SQUID! What? If it's lame, I guess you're lame. Squibee sounds like squid, so the name Squibee came out. Squishy with a squishy shell, this little Water Miscrit hangs around the pondweeds at the Eastern region of the Azore's Lake. With a flap attaching each and every one of the Squibee's tentacles, this is not rare, but hard to find as trees will block your way to the other side. Look in the pondweed - you might find one hiding there. Try your luck!!

For more Miscrits updates, do check out my blog daily!
Acknowledgements: Miscrits: World of Adventure

Tuesday 9 August 2011

Sizzle and Slither

Slithero, not Slit Hero but Slither O, is the first featured Fire Miscrit in Volcano Island! Looking like a purple snake, it can 'spit fire'! Menacing it may seem, this Fire Miscrit might be stronger than you think! Unfortunately, you can't go to Volcano Island yet, but it's coming soon! Anyway, back to the featured Miscrit!! Misunderstood for really spitting fire, it's just Slithero's forked tongue creating the cool illusion!

For more Miscrits updates, do check out my blog daily!

Acknowledgements: Miscrits: World of Adventure

What's the Buzz?

Beelzebug, a powerful Lightning Miscrit, is only in the Gem Shop this week, until Friday! How much does it cost? All your gems! You need at least 30 gems to purchase this zappy Miscrit. If you have 106 gems, you have to pay 106 gems, if you have 1,000 gems, you have to pay 1,000 gems! Why this deal? Go to the Miscrits Forums and find out yourself! With no known weaknesses, Beelzebug is claimed, by the Miscrits Gamemakers, to be the most invincible Lightning Miscrit. Can it face the Earth Elementum? Well, try it yourself when you level up your Beelzebug to evolution 4!

For more Miscrits updates, do check out my blog daily!

Acknowledgements: Miscrits: World of Adventure

Monday 8 August 2011

Twig Gum

Is the next Miscrit edible? No! Twiggum (not to be confused with Twig Gum) is a Nature Miscrit usually swarming and 'guarding' the Elder Tree. Never seen one before, but its body is green and its armor is brown like chocolate. Quite cute with the white slit-eyes, you might wanna find hit, because it might be your lucky star! When it grows up, it gets a beard, a leafy beard, in fact!

For more Miscrits updates, do check out my blog daily!

Acknowledgements: Miscrits: World of Adventure

Frostmite Frostbite

You choose - do you want Frostmite or Frostbite? Well, if you chose Frostmite (I think at least 98% of you chose Frostmite), I'll tell you how you can get it!! Get the downloadable Miscrits Toolbar (somewhere below game screen) and wait a week, 7 days. After 7 days, you might need to login 7 days, play Miscrits and you will claim your cute little Frostbite, I mean Frostmite. Evolve it to Snowsquatch or Abomino and you'll get great powers, Barrage and something else that can attack 10 times!! Whopping, ain't it?

For more Miscrits updates, do check out my blog daily!

Acknowledgements: Miscrits: World of Adventure

Don't Eat This Eggy...

Eggy, a powerful Earth Miscrit hatching from an egg, will grow up to be a strong and mighty T-Rex like Miscrit. Though it looks weak and useless currently, evolve it until it hatches [completely], it will know no end to destroying. It can destroy, as well as get destroyed by other Wind Miscrits. However, when it is at evolution 4, it might be your strongest defence or whatever.

For more Miscrits updates, do check out my blog daily!

Acknowledgements: Miscrits: World of Adventure

Have Some Kelpa With Your Seaweed!

Kelpa, a rare Nature Miscrit found at Sunfall Shore's The Sandcastle, is a weird, seaweed-engulfed Miscrit covered in other bits and pieces of washed-away stuff. With its orange beady eyes and funny-looking 'hairstyle', Kelpa would earn a place in Miscria's Weirdest Miscrits anyday!! Though hard to find, actually finding Kelpa means you might have great chances of winning over other Water Miscrits.

For more Miscrits updates, do check out my blog daily!
Acknowledgements: Miscrits: World of Adventure

Sunday 7 August 2011

In A Heartbeat

Music By: Goh Kheng Long
Lyrics By: Haresh Sharma
Singer: Sylvia Ratonel
Directed By: Brian Gothong Tan

I have a dream of starting a life
I have a hope, a flame alight
This is the moment, freedom is calling
This is my start, a new beginning

I have a heart, it beats for you
A step at a time, our spirits renew
Living together under the sun
Our hearts will beat as one... As one

In a heartbeat, I'll be there for you
In a heartbeat, no one else will do
In a heartbeat, we will always be
Together, united; you and me

In a heartbeat, time has passed us by
In a heartbeat, we will reach the sky
In a heartbeat, this will always be
Our people, our country
This is our family...

Nothing will stand in our way
We can be strong today
The flame is alive
This is our life...

In a heartbeat, I'll be there for you
In a heartbeat, no one else will do
In a heartbeat, we will always be
Together, united; you and me

In a heartbeat, time has passed us by
In a heartbeat, we will reach the sky
This will always be
Our people, our country
This is our family...

Majulah! The Singapore Spirit
NDP 2011 Theme Song

Portugese Gusts

Poltergust, not to be mistaken with Portugese, is a rare Wind Miscrit found near the mudslide of Mount Gemma. I haven't actually found one yet, but you can check with the Gemma Explorer for more information about this rare and transparent creature. What do I mean by transparent? This odd creature's head is transparent like jelly! It has a sort of ammonite-like head shape.

For more Miscrits updates, do check out my blog daily!

Acknowledgements: Miscrits: World of Adventure

A Miscrit From Egypt?

Mumbah is a lizard-like creature that looks Egyptian. Engulfed in plasters and wraps, Mumbah's favourite food is vermin, and has earned it a spot in many Miscrian houses.With a pair of charming eyes, Mumbah is ancient! This Earth Miscrit can be mischievous at times. Found rarely in the Gemma Flats, Mumbah hides in the 'earth buildings'. Almost never found near water, Mumbah is quite strong when it levels up to Pharoahette as he can use Destruction. Try searching for a cute, charming Mumbah now!

For more Miscrit updates, do check out my blog daily!

Acknowledgements: Miscrits: World of Adventure

Wind Equestrian

Miscrian people have probably used Equestrion in equestrian competitions. Legend says that, seeing an Equestrion is an omen that something good might happen to you! Equestrion is rarely found in the Gemma Flats, but I found one there! This Wind Miscrit floats up, and doesn't actually have feet. Mostly white and pink, a pinch of purple and a hint of yellow. Wingless and graceful, it's a wonder how this Miscrit can fly with much agility!

For more Miscrits updates, do check out my blog daily.

Acknowledgements: Miscrits: World of Adventure

Roar To Sprout

Cubsprouts can be found almost everywhere in the Miscrian Forest. They prefer the woody and leafy parts of the Forest. This Nature Miscrit has a good attitude, and likes pouncing on Miscrits and people. Though young, Cubsprout can already be quite destructive, yet cute at the same time. Having 99.99999% of his body in green, his mane changes from yellow (Dandylion), to green (Pawthorne) to red (Bloomane)! Cubsprout doesn't have any mane yet, though. Well, go find a Cubsprout now and see his eventual beauty!

For more Miscrits updates, do check out my blog daily!
Acknowledgements: Miscrits: World of Adventure


Quirk, as his name suggests, is very... quirky. Quirk is described as a centipede-rattlesnake-raccoon hybrid, and this Nature Miscrit spends his time in Woodman's Axe. Easy to find and really common, Quirk is found usually in the quirkiest parts of that location. Woody places are preferred, though. So, the next time you see a quirky Miscrit in Woodman's Axe, remember, it's just your quirky ol' friend, Quirk.

QuirkFor more Miscrits updates, do check out my blog daily!

Acknowledgements: Miscrits: World of Adventure

What's Hiding Amongst The Flowers?

Look in the Magic Flower today, and you might find a beautiful Tulipinny hiding amongst the flower patches! A warrior-like Miscrit, Tulipinny proudly holds up a short spear and always has tulip-pink hair. Her armor consists of an orange neck-tie, and the rest of her body is green with a hint of orange. Since she's quite rare, she might be powerful, so include her in your team!

TulipinnyFor more Miscrits updates, do check out my blog daily!

Acknowledgements: Miscrits: World of Adventure

The Turtle That Went 'Oink'

Met up with a Snortus lately? You can see that it is most common in Woodman's Axe. A blue pig in a turtle's shell, this weird little Water Miscrit lives among the grey, dull rocks. Her eyes look extraordinarily charming, and I've got 2 already. When she grows up, however, she starts looking more and more masculine! When it grows up to Boartle, she gets Snout Rush a power I don't really know about... Anyway, Snortus is real cute!

SnortusFor more Miscrits updates, do check out my blog daily!

Acknowledgements: Miscrits: World of Adventure

A Real Small Blast

Microblast lives in the depths of the Cave of Mists, where darkness and dampness swirl all over. A powerful Lightning Miscrit, Microblast looks a bit like a vampire bat in its fourth evolution, Zapire. Microblast can be considered as super-rare, as the boulders blocking the entrance of the Cave cost 95 Facebook Credits to remove (outrageous!!). If you are that rich, however, you might be lucky, and find the rare and elusive Microblast! Tame it with care and pride!!

For more Miscrits updates, do check out my blog daily!

Acknowledgements: Miscrits: World of Adventure

Don't Treemur Around!

Found in the bare (leafless) trees of the Miscrian Forest, Treemur is a rare Nature Miscrit. Always on its wooden, maybe magical, staff, and it can rub away any trace that Treemur was actually there. But finding Treemur is worth the effort, as it is a real rare opportunity. The wise Treemur has a green furry mane, cute orange eyes and, is found throughout - yes, all over! - the forest, hiding in the leafless trees. Though I haven't found this rare Miscrit, I'm sure it'll turn up when I'm really, really, really lucky, in one of the trees.

For more Miscrits updates, do check out my blog daily!

Acknowledgements: Miscrits: World of Adventure

The Loch Nessy Monster of the Miscrian Forest

Nessy is a bit hard to find, but is usually found in the North-East region of the Magic Flower. Having almost all his body covered in blue and white fur, Nessy doesn't actually live in any kind of Loch. This Miscrit, if you think might be ugly, is actually quite cute when he grows to adolescence. In fact, he's already quite cute in Evolution #1!!

For more Miscrits updates, check out my blog daily!

Acknowledgements: Miscrits: World of Adventure

No Wild Weeverns!

Finding the rare Weevern? Well, if you've failed and failed again, and you're lucky on that day but keep searching to no avail, don't be alarmed when I tell you this. The rare and elusive Weevern is already given to you, via email. Weevern cannot be found in the wild, so stop searching and go to Hotmail, Yahoo!, Rocket Mail or Gmail already!

For more Miscrits updates, do check out my blog daily!!

Acknowledgements: Miscrits: World of Adventure

The Waddling Waddles

The rare Water Miscrit of Azore's Lake (Miscrian Forest) is found along the South of the lake. I've found one Waddles, but can you find any? A duck-like Miscrit, Waddles' mode of movement is probably waddling. As I said, this Miscrit is rare, and you must really be lucky to find one!! Search the pondweed and you might get lucky!!

For more Miscrits updates, do check out my blog daily!

Acknowledgements: Miscrits: World of Adventure

Blazebit Goes Ablaze!!

The rare Blazebit often hides in the Elder Tree of the Miscrian Forest. If you catch it, you're really lucky!! Blazebit is decently hard to find, and comes out usually after a huge volcanic eruption. If you think it may be on the upcoming Volcano Island, try your luck!! But if you want to get to the Elder Tree, defeat Hickson Travis and that place is yours to travel.

For more Miscrits Updates, check out my blog daily!!

Acknowledgements: Miscrits: World of Adventure

Saturday 6 August 2011

On The Fringe

On The Fringe (边缘父子) debuted on 2nd August. From Monday to Friday, 9 to 10p.m., this show talks about gangs and gang fights. Scary? The drama also talks about reuniting. A boy, who is seperated by his biological father, has his mum, father, grandpa and annoying brother as family. Dealing with school bullies, this teenage boy can be somewhat rash and impulsive at times. His grandpa unveils the secrets that the boy's mum was trying to keep from the boy. The boy learns that his dad is a gangster.
To know more, watch On The Fringe!

When Will NDP Come?!

Aargh!! I hate being stalled!! When will NDP 2011 come?! Would you like to know what you might see in the Parade? Okay. There's the Glowing Aurora, fireworks (of course) and if you pass by the Singapore Flyer, you might see it glowing!!

National Day Activity 1

To celebrate National Day, I've set up an activity called Dress Up For National Day! As the name suggests, you've to dress up in a National Day costume. Lionel would be real happy to see you in your costume!! 'Comment' on this post with a photo of you in your costume. Your photo must be 100% original. But, you can post it onto Facebook and save your picture, and then comment, so long as the photo belongs to you yourself! Lionel and I look forward to seeing your picture and posting it on the blog! If you don't allow me to Save your photo, that's too bad!

Scrabble Championship - The Results

Yesterday's Scrabble Championship @ Yuying Secondary could be described as a bit boring, but it was worth the boredom as Unity Primary won 4 great prizes!!
Sean Yap Dong En of P3B won Best School Player of Unity Primary!!
My team (J1), I'm team captain, won CHAMPION of all schools of the Western Zone!!
We, Sean Yap, Marvin Ng and me, (Ng Jun-Kai), won three gold medals to be proud of!!
Don't believe me?! Well, this is photo proof!!

Friday 5 August 2011

Chlorine Misunderstandings

Fruitful Facts (Weekly Facts!)

How much did you really know about chlorine?
1. Chlorine does not give off any smell. That is the fault of chloramines!
2. Chlorine does not irritate the eyes, nose or hair! That is, also, the fault of chloramines!
3. Chlorine is measured in FAC, free available chlorine.
4. Taking a shower is recommended when you get into a swimming pool. If not, your germs might get into the pool and decrease the FAC!
5. Chloramines reduce the FAC in a swimming pool.
Now, did that give you an enlightenment about chlorine? Did it chase away your chlorine misunderstandings? Well, until next week, read more, and you might get more elightenments!!

The Rolex Watch

Crime Clean-Up

Gary is a greedy 9-year-old boy that always tries to find alternatives for expensive stuff. During a shopping trip, Gary saw a Rolex watch in a glass casing. To his horror, he saw that it cost $259. Disappointed, he went window shopping and found another Rolex watch in another glass casing. The first one cost more than quadraple times as much as the second one. The second one only cost $36! He gave the shopkeeper thirty-six bucks and got a big, brown case. He shook the inside and heard a jingling sound. Given a recyclable plastic bag, Gary went home with an excited face. He pulled of the bag and took out the case and barged open the lid. He did get a watch, a Rolex, in fact. The thing was, that, the Rolex watch was a counterfeit!
He reported to the police. Despite the police's efforts, they couldn't find the shopkeeper. The shopkeeper had fled!
This story tells us not to fall for cheats, counterfeits or things that are too good to be true.

Poem Priest!

This is the poem of the week!

                                            Supermarket Songs
The Dairy section of the market,
Where milk and cheese and ice-cream,
Will make you smile a beam!
Under the Meat section,
You may not need to ration,
As beef, mutton, pork and chicken,
WIll never make you guilt-stricken!
Seafood, Seafood, more seafood,
Oysters, tuna, salmon, and more!
Where you won't get bored,
The Confectionary section will always keep everyone lively!
Sour candies, gummies, raspberries too,
Have a pack of rock candy, chewing-gum and anything too keep a Candy Zoo!
So, you see, the supermarket is twice as good as any Zoo!
Before you call out 'Boo!'
Go to the supermarket soon,
Sometime this afternoon!

The Nice Lion - Lionel!

I couldn't wait for you guys, so I decided to create my own mascot. His (yes, it's a boy!) name is Lionel Lion! Lionel is good tempered, and is our first mascot! Lionel loves to play, and is kind-hearted. King of all animals, Lionel is also a cute guy. He doesn't like to be called cute, so don't say even the word acute in his presence!
Favourite Food: Don't laugh, but, Lionel is vegetarian - and he only eats eucalyptus leaves.
Favourite Drink: Succulent stuff, preferably cacti or tropical fruits.
Favourite Activity: Singing National Day songs.
Home: 871 Jungle Avenue, in a big house surrounded by, you guessed it, eucalyptus trees.
When he's happy: Climbing up eucalyptus trees and chewing on the succulent juices of cacti and fruits.
When he's upset: Lionel will bite and demand, unless he's feeling kind-hearted, which he always is.
When he's angry: Oh, don't ever anger him, or you'll wish you'd never had done that, as he will disfigure you!

Cooped Up...

I'm really, really, really bored! Can anyone send me those ideas sooner? Or I might call off the competition! Okay, I will! The deadline will be shrunken by a week, now being the 24th of August. Be sure to send in the ideas soon, or I'll create my own mascot! So, quick!!

Thursday 4 August 2011

Introducing My Friends!

I wanna introduce some friends! Wait... I don't have any friends on School Without Schooling. Hmmm... Aha! I'll make my own 'friend'! Err... Oh my! I don't have any idea what to create! Can you help? The first best entry will be the first mascot of my blog, and will have the plans published.

Okay, I'll give you the theme: Singapore's National Day!
Submit your particulars, ideas and if you want, other stuff!

Deadline: 31st of August 2011

Make Me Laugh and Your Joke Will Get Published!

Think you can make me laugh?? Well, give it a try! Comment on this post with your joke and don't forget to include your name, age and school! If you make me laugh out of my wits, I'll publish your joke on my blog!! So, what are you waiting for? Take action now before it's too late. Deadline: 1st of October! On Childrens' Day, the results will come out... Whose joke will aplease me??

Majulah! The Singapore Spirit

This year's theme is Majulah!* The Singapore Spirit. Singapore is celebrating her birthday this Tuesday (09/08/11)! Singapore will be 46 after this Tues. Singapore will soon celebrating 46 years of independence from 1965. Singapore has come a long way. To celebrate National Day, I have 4 videos on my blog. 4 versions of this year's theme song, In A Heartbeat.

Anyway, have a great National Day, and comment on this post what you - yes you! - do!
*for those who don't know what Majulah means, it means onwards in Malay.

Welcome to my blog!

Hi! This is probably my first successful blog! School Without Schooling is a blog that tells you, no not about schooling, but about the latest things that happened. I might talk about Pet Society (a game on Facebook) or anything else! So, feel free to check out my blog!!