
Tuesday 9 August 2011

What's the Buzz?

Beelzebug, a powerful Lightning Miscrit, is only in the Gem Shop this week, until Friday! How much does it cost? All your gems! You need at least 30 gems to purchase this zappy Miscrit. If you have 106 gems, you have to pay 106 gems, if you have 1,000 gems, you have to pay 1,000 gems! Why this deal? Go to the Miscrits Forums and find out yourself! With no known weaknesses, Beelzebug is claimed, by the Miscrits Gamemakers, to be the most invincible Lightning Miscrit. Can it face the Earth Elementum? Well, try it yourself when you level up your Beelzebug to evolution 4!

For more Miscrits updates, do check out my blog daily!

Acknowledgements: Miscrits: World of Adventure

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